Once a compass is attached to a lodestone, it cannot be reverted back to a basic compass, but it can be aligned with a new lodestone. Well the easiest way would probably be to update to 1.16 as they work in the nether in that update.
The compass can be used on a lodestone, after which it is named lodestone compass by default and points to that lodestone as long as the compass is in that dimension.

How to use a compass in the nether. If the lodestone is broken, or in a different dimension than the compass, then the compass spins randomly, as ordinary compasses in the end and nether do. This works even in the end and the nether. The compass points to spawn when viewed in any way, including as a dropped item, in a player’s hand, in an inventory or the crafting table, or in an item frame.
In minecraft, a lodestone compass is a special compass that works in the overworld, nether, or end dimension. You can also achieve this by listening to playerinteractevent to see whenever they click with the compass and then use player#setcompasstarget(location) to point their compass somewhere. If its spinning slowly, it means that there is no metorite in range, this usually means you should do some more exploring, it will find one as new terrain is generated, or in some cases such.
Compass minecraft wiki fando the compass points to spawn when viewed in any way, including as a dropped item, in a player's hand, in an inventory or the crafting table, or in an item frame. The first way is by exploring nether fortresses, it has a chance to come as loot in the chests there. Here is the important part of the code:
· it uses the new 1.16 lodestone compass mechanic. Watch how to effectively use a compass in the nether gif on gfycat. If the compass is brought into/crafted in the nether or the end, the compass' needle will spin wildly and point in random directions, making it useless for navigation.
The lodestone changes that, instead making it so your compass will point towards the lodestone whilst in the nether. In the nether and the end, the compass needle will spin and you will need to use a lodestone compass instead to guide you in these dimensions. If it is spinning rapidly it means the current chunk your standing in contains skystone.
Compassmeta meta = (compassmeta) e.getitem ().getitemmeta (); The red needle on a compass while in the nether is constantly moving. However, it won't work when in the nether.
If (saved.targetplayer.getworld ().getname ().equalsignorecase (world_nether)) { compassmeta compassmeta = (compassmeta) iteminhand.getitemmeta (); · comass needle points towards the player's original spawn point, whether in your inventory screen, in chests, lying on the floor, or while holding it in your hand. It will point wherever it is, be it in a chest, on the floor, in your inventory or in the character's hand.
There are 3 different ways to obtain the seeker compass. If the compass is taken to a different dimension, it spins randomly. However, if a player useds a compass on a lodestone it will guide them back to that location, even in the nether.
The world spawn point is the location where you spawned when you first created the world. Zombie pigmen will have a small chance of spawning with the seeker compass in their offhand. Remember, this technically gives a free lodestone to players but only if they know they can dig to y=0 and get it.
A compass is used in minecraft to direct the player to his or her original spawn point. You need 8 chiseled stone bricks and 1 netherite ingot to craft a lodestone. The needle will spin repeatedly, giving you no sense of direction.
/scoreboard players set target 1 when a player leaves the overworld, the compass points to the targets last position, which could be the nether portal or end portal. Discover more minecraft gifs, minecraft gifs on gfycat. It is not working right now and i dont know why.
In order to craft the respawn anchor, you will need six blocks of crying obsidian and three blocks of glowstone. To set a target player use this command: 4.9m members in the minecraft community.
In the nether and the end, the compass needle will spin and you will need to use a lodestone compass instead to guide you in these dimensions video: The second way is by finding and killing zombie pigmen. A compass which points to the nearest sky stone in the current world, it has a max range of roughly 2,700 blocks.
This gfycat gif video titled 'how to effectively use a compass in the nether', shared on reddit.com/r/minecraft/27nk70/how_to_effectively_use_a_compass_in_the_nether contains: This is especially useful for if you have a base in the nether. The compass needle points to several locations and does not stay still.
Using a compass on a lodestone causes the compass to point to the lodestone, indicated by an enchantment glint effect on the compass ‌ [java edition only], or a unique cyan glint ‌ [bedrock edition only]. In the nether or the end, the compass' needle spins and points in random directions. The nether compass would be crafted by 4 blaze rods, a compass and 4 glowstone dust it will direct you to your nether portals use full for exploring in the nether as there is no way to navigate in the nether without placing blocks or saving coordinates
How to craft a lodestone. Place the compass into the avatar's hand in order to see it. Inside of the nether or the end, a compass will point in random wild directions.
In the nether or the end, the compass’ needle spins and points in random directions. When in the nether, holding a compass will prove useless, as there is nowhere for it to lock on to. The needle doesn't move in one direction as if the.
You can set a lodestone compass to point to any location in any dimension so that you can always find your way back. A compass is a useful tool in the game that points to the world spawn point when you are in the overworld.
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